Tusonge Boy’s Dorm/Office Project
Thanks to generous donations from our friends and supporters, plus hard work by many of our kids, construction of a new Boy’s Dormitory and office space is well underway.
The new building--being constructed on our farm property down the hill from our main house--will provide sleeping accommodations for the boys. Until now they have been crowded into a single-car garage sized space in the main home. Moving the boys into this new space, will also allow the girls more room and privacy in the main house.
The new building will also include a modest office where Fredrick and Trudy can conduct Tusonge business. Until now they’ve used a table in their bedroom.
Even with this new building, there will be plenty of land to accommodate the chicken and rabbit enclosures. We have had great luck raising and selling the animals and are hoping to expand our operations.
We’re pleased that the contractor on the project has agreed to hire and pay several of our Tusonge kids to work on the building. They’re eager to work, learn a skill and have some income for themselves and their families.
We expect the entire project to cost between $15,000 and $20,000 U.S. We currently have funds to complete the foundation, walls and roof. If you’d like to help complete and furnish the enclosed spaces, please click on the donate button and designate your gift to the Boy’s Dorm/Office project.
Clean Water Project
We continue to receive donations for this mission project from organizations as well as individuals. In addition to the clean water buckets for homes, we have purchased a large filtration system for Angel's Centre School that serves children with special needs. Fredrick and some of our Tusonge children will be presenting it to the school and we are very excited about this opportunity.
Donations to this project can be made on our website.
Letter from Fredrick
Dear Parents and Family:
The COVID situation in our country is improving. We are out of the alarming state in fact it’s very promising. We have averaged 0-3 deaths a day for the last month and 70-130 infections a day. We are fortunate that no Tusonge children or adults have become ill with COVID.
Vaccination and vaccines are still a struggle. Only the few chosen ones receive them. However, many countries have promised to donate or sell us vaccines. It’s just a matter of time.
The good news is several local herbs and drugs have been approved in our country for treatment. They seem to work very well as treatments, but they are not vaccines to prevent the disease.
With regards to the kids going back to school, our country is still on partial lockdown with schools and some other activities still closed. We thank God churches were opened but only for 200 people per sitting. The President has said he hopes things can be more open in January when more vaccines will be available, and more people will be vaccinated.
In the meantime, we are continuing to educate the children. We have been hiring tutors and teachers, providing more books, and have a school program provided by the school. This school program, however, requires an extra fee. We are working hard to keep the children busy and learning.
May you all keep well. Love you and may God bless.
Editor’s Note: If you care to donate to help with home-schooling or feeding the kids during the COVID pandemic, please click on the Donate button and note how you would like your gift to be applied.
Trudy’s Report
Hi everyone:
I send my love to all our dear family. I know God is keeping you well and safe especially in this changed world.
Brief update on the chickens and rabbits, God has been faithful. Since we started this project a year ago we were able to sell the eggs for a period of six months before we decided to sell off the chickens. This type of chicken lays specifically for a period of time. Once the time lapses, the egg production automatically reduces.
As I make this update, we have a 100 new stock of more chickens, and I hope to instead sell them during Christmas season for meat instead of laying eggs. We are trying this out so that we can compare what makes more profit in the shortest time possible.
On the other hand, rabbits have been the most interesting of them all. They multiply in the shortest time and are very easy to feed. So, we sold off almost all of them for meat and we managed to get over 70 kilograms for sale. Then we have 16 new bunnies and 2 mothers that are growing well, and we will sell them off too once we reach our target number.
Thanks so much for all the support you have rendered to us as Tusonge and may God abundantly bless you all.
New Sponsorships
Life in Uganda is hard. Our "kids" come from very deprived backgrounds. Some are orphans, others come from single parent households while others may have two parents but the dire poverty in which they live makes it impossible for their parents to provide healthy meals, sanitary living conditions and an education. Families live on a dollar a day or less. Homes are nothing more than one-or-two room mud or tin shacks.
We are delighted that 3 beautiful children have recently been sponsored.

Rachel is 11 years old and is raised by her single mum. Her mum has no job and does not have the funds to be able to send Rachael to school.

Isaac, Fred Jingo's brother, is 9 years old and wants to be a doctor when he is done with school. He is from a very poor family with orphans due to the loss of their parents.

Gloria is 4 years old and lives with her grandmother. The grandmother is jobless and cannot afford to send her to school.
This brings to 48 the number of children we are caring for. Sponsorships are $100 per month, or $50 per month for a shared sponsorship. This covers a child’s tuition, room and board, and health care at an accredited Christian boarding school, plus their room, board, meals, clothing and other necessities at our group home. All of your donation goes directly to the children. We cover staffing and administration fees through separate donations.
We invite you to visit our Sponsorship page to learn more.
January Tusonge Mission Trip
We have a trip scheduled for January 12 - 26th, 2022. If you are interested there is still time to sign up which you can do on our webpage www.tusongeministries.org. We have been closely monitoring the Covid situation in Uganda. All trip participants are required to be vaccinated so we are good to go. Our first priority is for the health of the people of Uganda and those traveling. All of the information you will need is on the website under the Visit Uganda 2022 tab. If you are interested and haven't signed up, please let us know soon.